
Was kinda of amazed at the response to the title of last nights blog….. I guess my more matured readers understood the title was a song title from the Carpenters circa 1971……..  I understand why the younger generations wouldn’t get it (even though they were raised in one of the most musical house holds in all of PoCo……)  LOL ~ still can’t say that without laughing…. but I guess what I don’t get, is why they thought, I thought it was Monday…… I mean, after all….. the title was Rainy days & Mondays……  maybe they didn’t know what & means….. ? You know, like us old farts that still think # means number (or pound) and not hash tag ???? LOL~~ but again…. it was Rainy Days AND Mondays…. and I was talking about rainy days, so I don’t get…. well I do, just gonna act like I don’t…. LOL   Anyhow…. It made for some fun conversation so it was totally worth it. totally~~  😉

Up bright and early for my rendezvous with our boat and a presentable crowd from the local cruise ship. One of the smaller ships, it only had around 3000 or so passengers….. There were some issues and challenges on the first dive that proved to be quite taxing on the old fat boy – but I stepped up and done what needed done…… divers wound up back on the boat safe and sound and that’s the bottom line. We swung by the pier and picked up a bunch of DSD’s… (Discover SCUBA Diving) and ferried them out to the next dive site. That dive was as complex and challenging as I expected it to be…… but we wrangled everybody, made sure they were all safe and when it was all said and done, had a good time. I am happy and [a little bit] proud to say that I managed at least a couple of decent shots of all 12 divers…. singles and ‘dive buddy’ shots. I like to think that helps paint a good picture for our dive shop for the cruise industry.

Back at the house, pictures edited and posted and here I sit chatting with you all. The sun has dropped below the horizon now and it is starting to cool off a little bit. We’re down to 83° and becoming nice and breathable now. I ate way too much of some delicious spaghetti that my Queen made for us….. good Lord I feel like I’m about to pop….. haven’t been this full in months~! I need to jump in the shower before I get to comfortable…. so I’m cutting out here. Tomorrow hopefully is a day of absolute laziness. Laundry is all caught up, mowing is all done….. sounds like a day of movies to me~!!

Atlantic Spade fish Video


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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

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