Happy New Year family, friends and all you others out there. Well sir….. since my last little diddy on here, I have had quite the week. I will openly confess, sometimes I don’t write anything cause I just plain ole ain’t in the mood…. NOT the case this past week. The old fat boy has been getting his touchas worked off (and mostly loving it). With the exception of one day I have worked double boats 7 days in a row. I took one day off toward the end of that run and sat and edited and posted pictures all day that day. Then another double boat, then the next day was nadda….. but I had a family photo shoot here on the island, which actually turned out to be 6 families, which kept me late shooting and then getting the pictures posted. Usually not a lot of editing to those pictures because they are so sharp and crisp, just have to edit out the occasional random strand of wind blown hair, weird back ground objects that I missed, etc. It still was late enough that by the time I finished I was ready for bed. Back to diving today, but mercifully, only one boat (2 dives) and a small group, so pictures done and posted by my normal time today.
Not a lot going on here other than diving my brains out and I ain’t complaining about that. I miss my Queen, but happy knowing she is with our babies and Grandbabies and that she is also getting her health in check by qualified doctors now. Really not a lot to rattle on about, the ya-hoo behind us decided to burn a bunch of something…. not sure what it was but made me sicker than a dog. It finally started raining hard enough toward the end of the day that it put the fire out, but the damage had been done. Breathing good clean air today, I feel 100% better and back to my grouchy old self. I was getting a little bummed shooting all those cruise ship divers [first timers] and hadn’t got as much as a nickel out of any of them in tips. I guess they were saving their pennies for Christmas. Something changed though as this past week, the Venmo flood gates have opened and tips have been pouring in, along with the photo shoot the cashflow situation is looking much better~! Happy New year to me~!
With that crazy busy week or over with, our dive calendar as went blank. Nothing scheduled for the rest of the week until Friday when we have another cruise ship in. Hopefully will have a chance to get the brakes on my truck replaced (squealing horribly) and also get my Brides car in the shop (if I can get somebody to answer the damn phone). There goes all that tip money~~ 😉
I wish each of you reading this a safe, prosperous Happy New Year~!
(Happy Birthday to my Honeybear)
Good Night Y’all / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Thankx for stopping in~!