Slept in a wee tiny bit this morning after a semi-pitiful night’s sleep…… great dreams when you do get to sleep – but that span in between….. woo-wee. A nice slow calm start to the day catching up on news and chatting with Daughters. A tasty breakfast – getting my gear together and getting ready to take off to go to “work”. I struggle to call it work because I like doing it so much….. reference the old adage, ‘Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life’. Got to tell you though – no matter how much you love it. You get those occasional days when your body just does not feel like it and that old adage is a little harder to believe. Even though I would have liked to lounged today after a very long week….. I was looking forward to getting back into the water… especially for this occasion. There was a morning load this morning that I opted out of….. the only load I didn’t make, all week….. and wouldn’t you know it ??? Them butt heads saw whales~!!! I wouldn’t have believed them – but they had pictures AND video, so it was pretty hard to dispute. Butt heads………….
Anyhow…… today was Ladies Dive Day…. a dive designated for women only – so they didn’t have to put up with a bunch of hairy legged, butt scratching heathens that we are. (well, except for me) Sadly, turn out was much smaller than usual attendance – but the dive shop made the most of it and we made a most enjoyable dive, followed by sparkling wines and Hors d’oeuvres out on a calm peaceful Sea with gorgeous back grounds everywhere you looked. Pictures are edited and sent to the ‘Boss’ – and now I’m getting ready for a much needed shower.
A ‘down’ day tomorrow….. even though I plan on getting the grass cut at some point —- I do not plan on doing much else…. even though I only made 11 dives in the past 5 days….. I’m still pooped….. and looking forward to giving my back a break for a day. Monday we are scheduled to check out the islands newest attraction…. Zip Lines~! We have done them before in Mexico and excited to try them here… hopefully we’ll like it well enough to take visitors to if they want. For now – shower and [hopefully] some sleep.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stoppin in~!
Me and my new source of income~~