Up a smidge early to spend some time with my Bride before she ventured off for her day of labor at Blues. Once she was on her way – I made me a most righteous breakfast – suited for an old fat boy that was going to spend the next several hours running around looking at ‘rooms to let’ for his Lil Sister. The place she was most interested required heading to mid-island and a quick boat ride. Out to Hotel on the Cay (Cay is pronounced Key). Quaint little place situated on an island just barely big enough for the building, a dandy little beach bar, a couple of small out buildings and one of the most [arguably] beautiful beaches around here. I can’t say on our island, because it is not ‘technically’ on our island. Lil Sis and friend had a really good time on that beach and I’m fairly sure that is one of the attractions for her. Part of the hotel is shut down to COVID restrictions, but I did manage to worm my way into one of the sections I wanted and looked around. I chatted with the front desk lady and asked just enough questions to be pesky before climbing aboard the small ferry and heading back to ‘my’ island…… Stopped at a small local store to pick up a couple of items for my FB Music Trivia prize winner (Sorry Carijuan [if you read this] – the island briefly ran out of one of your prizes… but I have them now and should get them in the mail in the next couple of days or so) before jumping back into the truck and heading back to the West end of the island. Large gray clouds started forming as I headed West and I ran in and out of ‘sprinkles’ several times. I headed out to a gorgeous stretch of beach to look at a couple of other places I thought Lil Sis might like (and they are much closer to me and my Bride). I got a VIP tour through one place….. the other I could not find anybody to talk to – so that is a tour for another day. I also cruised “beach options” to take Lil Sis and company if they make it…. pictures provided…. they are not quite as gorgeous because the clouds were persistent….. but I think you’ll get the idea. So Lil Sis….. I’m workin’ hard to find a spot I think will appropriately accommodate you and your ‘damn‘ neighbors…… just not 100% sure the island will be ready for all 6 of us~! 😉
Diving tomorrow to finish up my ‘big photo shoot’ – plus hopefully score some fun underwater pictures for you all~!!
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!
Hotel on the Cay
Quite the view~!
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