Got to ‘sleep in’ this morning….. almost made it until 07:00 – but for me, that is a treat. My Bride was up and out the door for her day of labor at Blues. I usually mow and do laundry on this day – but there was not enough laundry to justify a load and it rained dang near ALL DAMN day~! I can mow when it is wet, but today was just ridiculous….. and about the third day in a row of it [rain]. So I sat – a LOT, doing little odds and ends when I needed to get up and crack my back and replenish my nicotine addiction. Chatted with the neighbor briefly about a possible deal on a new diving rig….. still wallering that around….. really good price – but not sure I want to justify that acquisition. It continued to rain….. ALL stinkin day……. I know this is typically our wet season as Summer starts on it’s way out and we head into ‘cooler’ weather…. Our Winter can get down ‘close’ to the mid 70’s….. BRrrrr…. 😉
My Bride made it back home in the middle of a deluge…… but got her in the house and started plying her with booze….. becoming SOP for the working person. Made her a bite to eat and here we sit enjoying an almost ‘chilly’ breeze whistling around outside…… may even go without the air conditioner tonight……… woo-hoo~! I confirmed I have a 2 tank dive in the morning – just hope it’s not the nasty gray day we had the other day – but again, with my own light source – I still get to enjoy taking my pictures…… it’s just a lot nicer sitting on the boat between dives with that hot brilliant sunshine versus a pouring rain and gray gloomy clouds. That nice sunshine also makes that icy cold Budweiser taste that much better when I get back to the truck~! Really about it… still lots of dive pictures to share with you…… and will try not too duplicate from previous days……..
Good Night Ya’ll ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thankx for stopping in~!
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