Up way to early [yadda-yadda-yadda] and out on the boat. Had some of the crappiest weather I think I have seen since the Cat 1 hurricane we had a little over a year ago. Thick gray clouds…. incessant rain….. thankfully the wind wasn’t blowing to hard. Amazingly, we had great visibility on both dives, but the decided lack of sunshine made for some pretty poor viewing under the water. Normally – I wouldn’t have even went out today because of lack of light for taking pictures – but that is all changed now, because I carry my light source with me. Enough so, I handed out my favorite dive light to my dive buddy because she didn’t have one and I used the flood light mounted on the top of my camera. It wasn’t a night dive, but sure didn’t miss by much as all 3 of us (me, dive buddy and the Dive Master) all used lights for almost the entire second dive because it was so dark. That did not stop me from still getting some pretty decent pictures.
As you may have surmised (smart little dickens you all are) there were only 2 of us on the dive today….. long complicated story – but it was kinda nice having that big ole boat almost to myself~! I took some pictures [above water] so you can get an idea of just how nasty looking it was out there today (but they won’t be on this post) …………. but – I got to dive – nice dive sites, saw sharkS – a Green Moray Eel [albeit a very small one] and some other fun critters….. so not complaining~!
Came back to my Queen – hung up all my gear in the pouring rain (‘free’ rinse) and it is STILL out there- still being rinsed as I type…. some 5+ hours later……. Had another dinner from the island kids…. A roast with taters and carrots. Kinda nice having meals ready that you can just reach into the fridge for them~! Watched a couple of movies…. Sappy Christmas based love stories. Not really my gig, but my Queen likes them and she tolerates my choices, so I occasionally will tolerate some of hers…… 😉 The Queen is chatting with kids (about Christmas stuff- natch) and I am chatting with you. I’m taking the day off from diving tomorrow. It is supposed to be my day to domesticate…… but my Bride knocked out most of the laundry the other day, so not really enough now to justify a load, and if the forecast is correct, it will be entirely to wet to mow – so I’m not sure what I’m gonna do while Angie works at Blues……..HMmmm….. what to do, what to do. Diving pictures for you for the next day or so………
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!

PB090129 <—- Video

PB090155 <—- Video
Queen Angel Fish

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