Awake around 05:00 after a mostly fitful nights sleep… woke up because I had to whizz real bad…. but knew if I got up then – I was up for the day, so I ”tortured” myself in bed trying to get a in a position comfortable enough to sleep without wetting the bed…. I put up with that for about 20 minutes before resigning to the inevitable and got up…… enjoying the coolness and solitude of the morning until my Queen came stumbling out about 20 minutes later….. one of the things of sleeping in the same bed with someone for 40+ years….. you just don’t hardly feel right in bed if you’re ‘other half’ ain’t in bed with you. [[and no – I’m not saying that as a bad thing]]
Settling into our morning routine of coffee, news, games, and FB – my Bride uncharacteristically got up early and went in for her breathing treatments. I used that opportunity, to strap on my walkin’ shoes and head out for a stroll. I thought it would be easier since it was much earlier in the morning than I usually go – but that didn’t pan out some good – as less than a ½ mile into my ‘stroll’, my shirt was soaked in sweat. Summer time in the islands~! Wanting to ”better’ my normal pace – I picked up the pace and soon settled into a solid marching pace that I learned some 44 years ago at Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas. Because most of my walks are now covering areas I have already been – I’m not getting many new pictures and maybe that contributed to the fact – I picked up almost a full minute on my miles…..doing them today in well under 20 minutes per mile (for 3+ miles). Back at the house and drenched in sweat – breakfast was in process when I arrived….. I chugged a bottle of water then sat down and inhaled the tasty breakfast waiting for me. A fan during breakfast helped me cool off and I came in and did dishes after the customary smoke after the meal. We once again settled in to our own routines until around 1:30 when we decided to watch a movie. We picked a good one this time…….Saving Mr. Banks. We were within 20 minutes of the end when Angie got up and started dinner for us and Island Daughter Cynthia who was due to join us. She showed up, we had a scrump-dill-ious dinner of smashed taters (with gravy) vegetable medley and meat loaf and a crescent roll to sop up the remaining gravy on your plate. Damn dang good stuff. Cynthia got her fill – chatted for a bit and headed off to finish up her chores list. My Queen and I sat down to finish up the end of the movie, before I got up and finished up the dinner dishes. If you haven’t seen the movie – I would recommend it – although I have since been informed Tom Hanks [stars in the movie] is supposedly one of the A-listers known for Pedophilia . I don’t know if that’s true – but I like him as an actor….. if that other thing is true – I hope someone shoots him.
JUST found out I’m on the boat for taking pictures Thursday – Yay~!….. My Bride works tomorrow and I have the day ‘off’ – so will probably walk again…. got some touch up mowing to do – who knows what else I’ll get myself into…….
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!