Hump day – middle of the week – what ever you want to call it. My Bride has to work… so she was up before me to get her day started….. I came out after I was sure she was done with her stuff. She did her thing while I did mine and she was soon out the door – once again leaving me to my own devices. REALLY wanting to get rid of some of this gut – I figured I’d go ahead and get out the door for a wlk again before it got to our now typically toasty out……. I was to late…… I decided for a partially untried route and I didn’t even make it to the first bend in the road before I felt that first trickle of sweat rolling down the center of my back. Fortunately [I think] I had a nice breeze hitting me in the face – so the front of my shirt stayed reasonably dry until I took another turn and lost most of the breeze…… then the rest of my shirt caught up on getting soaked. The route I planned on wasn’t quite as long as I wanted – but the middle ‘leg’ of the walk was past new territory, so I knew I would be able to score some nice pictures for you….. it kinda takes away from my pace – but so very worth it, plus that kind of scenery makes you want to slow down and enjoy it. So – a little shorter route – and a smidge slower, but I have some great pictures (and a couple of videos if I can get them to load on here) for you. The pictures really don’t do it justice [taken with my phone]… not sure even using my new camera would capture that beauty. Finally back to the house, rinsed off, cooled off and made myself a right delicious breakfast. Settled in for some FB nonsense, before getting up, turning on the music and ”piddling” around the house for several hours, which included cleaning up the kitchen, sweeping the house, dusting and a couple of other odds & ends……. piddling. I got to ‘chat’ with my Big Sis Ela down in Florida for a bit and got caught up with her. Always enjoy those conversations. Settled in for some more repetitive training on how to set my camera up for the ‘good’ shots underwater. I about have it down….. that’s a good thing~! Speaking of which….. I am diving tomorrow – and get to try out my new settings with my new fancy-schamcy lens….. I am almost giddy at that thought. (I don’t giddy very often) 😉
Finally got a ping from my Queen saying she was on her way home…… she has a new A/C at work now, so now working in a nice cool environment again, so I didn’t need to cool off the bedroom for her. I have made her a couple of drinks and now trying to convince her she needs to eat something……. my work here is never done…. LOL~!
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!
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Some people just don’t care….