Up again – much earlier than I would have liked, but again it was in preparation of making a couple of dives, so no complaining here. The morning was nice and cool and because I was up well before my alarm went off, I got to take my time, get my morning stuff out of the way, load the truck and enjoy some time with my Queen before heading back out to Salt River for another morning of diving. ”Amped” at the prospect of getting to dive a seldom dive-able spot, I headed out. I was told this by invitation only dive was going to be very experienced divers and was looking forward to that as well. I got to the dock my usual 10-15 minutes early only to find out I was the last person to show up…… bummer~ I got me a spot on the boat…. even though it wasn’t ‘my spot’…. but I figured that’s what I get for being last – so- lesson learned. Half way to the first dive site, it became readily apparent, the sea and the wind gods were not gonna cooperate – and the chance to dive ‘the spot’ was not gonna happen…… dammit Emmit~! Oh well, the beauty of diving ‘a wall’ that drops to just over 3000′ – is that you can pretty much go as deep as your nerves will let you. Not saying we went past our ‘safe recreational limit’ of 130’……. but we made the most out of our first dive… chasing sharks and big eels, that sadly stayed out of range for me and my camera to get to [safely]. I did do ‘zoom’ lens shot – just so I had a shark picture in the collection of pictures and you’ll be able to tell from the quality of the shot – I was not very close 🙁 Finally back on the boat – we took an extra long surface interval – to help rid our bodies of nitrogen that we built up as the plan was to do another deep dive. Which we did…. more sharks and eels out of range – one big turtle that wanted nothing to do with me and easily left me ‘in his dust’ as I chased him trying to get a picture. The visibility was just as nasty on these dives as the day before and once again – I only took 124 pictures between both dives and saved just 34 of them. I experimented taking pictures of the divers I was with, as I knew them all from the Instructor/Dive Master class I took pictures of, so they were all used to me up in their face with a camera. It gave me a lot of good experience shooting people and working to understand the power of my strobe flash. So- not a lot of critter or sea life pictures for you out of this collection, but still a fun look at life under the water……. We have to contend with life issues the next couple of days – so probably not a lot of new pictures…. so I’ll try and stretch today’s pictures out a little bit.
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!