Wow….. just re-read last night’s post….. that was a mess…. sorry about that – between being wiped out by a long day in the sun and then slamming [apparently a LOT of] drinks I went down hill pretty quick….. A good solid nights sleep, appropriately rehydrated and a couple of hours of salt therapy (diving) and I’m in much better shape~! Both dives left a little bit to be desired today… a really rough sea and mediocre visibility made for a less than desirable dive and also made taking a decent picture almost impossible. I was hoping the second dive would produce better conditions…. but it was not to happen today. Sea was just as rough and we apparently were in the vicinity of coral that were blooming and visibility was 40′ at best. Normally on a two tank dive like today – I take somewhere around 300 pictures and wind up saving around a 100 of them….. today I took a total of 97 pictures and saved 27 of them…… Guess it’s a good thing I get to go againĀ tomorrow~! Tomorrow is the ‘by invitation only‘ dive and I hope the winds and the sea gods cooperate enough, that we to get to go to this specific dive site. Like I said earlier – I don’t want to jinx it – so will wait until tomorrow’s post to tell you about it.
That’s about it – came back, got my gear rinsed. I got summoned by Island Kids to come help get a couple of machines that were stranded out in the woods back – That done and back here to my Queen. Haven’t started drinking [yet] but can’t afford to get too tore down tonight anyway – I want to be ready for tomorrows dives~! So – pictures from today…. I think you’ll be able to see all the stuff in the water that was making visibility so bad…….
Good Night Ya’ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanx for stopping in~!