After a slightly better nights sleep and another easy [although earlier than normal] start to our day – I lit out to Home Depot to pick up what is hopefully the last things I needed to finish our bathroom, while my Queen headed to the store again to pick up what I can only imagine is things she believed we needed. My trip to the Depot was not an enjoyable one….. the store experience wasn’t all that bad….. but as I walked out to my truck, I noticed a shopping cart lodged in under my fender well on the passenger side of the truck~! Now I am not one of those folks who jockey around for 30 minutes looking for a spot up close to park. I usually opt for a wide open space out near the outer edge of the parking lot, so when I walk out and see the cart jammed under the fender well of my truck, and the fact there was not another vehicle within 40′ of my truck – I got pissed. That is the only way to put it. Probably a good thing I didn’t see the sh*t head that did it, because I would have probably wound up in jail or the hospital or cemetery…… I mean why ?? I hadn’t crowded anybody or anything even remotely close to that…….. then I had a couple of ‘instances’ with some ‘locals’ on the drive home which just further pissed me off…… needless to say I was not in a good mood when I got back to the house………. which was just time as my Bride came pulling in. Got both vehicles parked and unloaded and I set in immediately to work to install my newest purchases while my Queen put away her stuff and then set down to play her game on her phone. Over the course of the next couple of hours – I got a new light bar put in over the sink and improvised a ceiling fan into the ceiling, so showers and such should be a much nicer experience. Our bathroom gets terribly stuffy when you went in and closed the door. Used to….. now with our new set up – it is quite enjoyable in there now.
I finally finished up my jobs and suitably happy with them, cleaned up my mess and settled in for a cold drink (or 8). A little before 5:00, the island kids came rolling in to join us for supper. Green peppers stuffed with stuff, mixed veggies and biscuits….. followed up by peach pie and ice cream. We spent a little time outside smoking and chatting before calling it an evening. We decided we’re going to make a dive tomorrow morning, so none of us wanted to have ‘too’ much to drink. Kids are home and safe….. Angie is in the shower and I am eagerly waiting my turn…… more dive pictures from the pier the other day – PLUS hopefully new dive pictures from a site I don’t get to dive very often tomorrow~! Yay~!!!
Happy Birthday Alex —- Love & miss ya~!
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!