Just another day on the island……. Up late this morning after a pretty wonderful nights sleep…. I think just worn out from the stress of the past couple of days. My Queen slept in even later and came out just in time for me to head out to my meeting. She normally comes with me, but I figured she needed the sleep more than she needed to go to the meeting with me, so I didn’t wake her up when I got up.
Meeting went pretty good – only one more before we hold our biggest (and signature) event – a big fishing tournament. Lots to get done as it gets closer. Stopped at the grocery store, the drug store [again] and stopped in and checked on DD [again]. Apparently they are making some kind of progress, so I will continue to hurry up and wait.
Back at the condo… I finally got to make me a sammich I have been hankering for… fried bologna~! I put two big slabs of thick sliced fried German bologna on a bun slathered with mayo and added a big ole slab of onion…… and boy-howdy was it delicious~! It tasted every bit as good as I remembered them tasting~! MmMmMm~! We sat and watched our newest series Suits. Somebody told us about it and we checked it out and so far are thoroughly enjoying it~!
I have a couple of 2-tanks dives scheduled for Saturday morning and again Monday morning….. so will have lots of new underwater pictures soon. Until I get them…… some older ones you may have not seen.
Good Night Ya’ll ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thankx for stopping in~!