About forgot I had a Board meeting of our local dive club this morning. We usually start it out with a dive, but because I got 4 dives in the past couple of days – and not near enough sleep the night before – I opted out of the pre-meeting dive and just met the rest at a local eatery. My Queen joined me for this one as neither of us had eaten yet and this place has reasonable chow. Angie had a Philly Cheese Steak sammich and I got a Cheeseburger. I ordered an egg on top of it (so I could call it a breakfast sammich) – but in true island fashion, they forgot the egg…… still a dang good burger though. Washed it down with a couple of mildly cool Budweiser’s before switching to Grey Goose and Cranberry. They also had some of the best fries I’ve ever had on the island. (Fries are kind of an oddity on the island)
The meeting took about an hour then we just hung out and drank and chatted a bit. We finally packed it up and headed back to the condo – which is a scant 4 minutes from our condo. I spent the next couple of hours updating spreadsheets for the dive club – then switched over to stuff for the other club that I am the Treasurer, as I had several emails waiting for me when I got back. Angie played her game while I got caught up on my responsibilities. Afterwards, I joined her on the couch and we set in to watching more of A Gifted Man. We actually enjoy the show, but only have 3 episodes left of the only season of it.
Going to try and get up to Blues in the morning to get the painting out of the way I didn’t get to do the other day……… Some pictures from our meeting site today and more dive pictures for you~~~
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!