I was up bright and early this morning after a [finally] respectable nights sleep. My bride slept in for another 2.5+ hours or so, while I worked on some odds and ends on the computer, made me a nice little breakfast and enjoyed a blissfully quiet morning 😉 Angie finally rolled out and got woke up and around noon decided we needed to shop. Saaay whaaat…..? 😉 We almost had to….. I was about out of smokes and we needed fixin’s for a biscuits and gravy breakfast with friends on Tuesday morning….. can’t wait for that~~!!! So we loaded up and away we went…… finally~! The store was out of several items we wanted/needed but we still managed to spend $ 463.77~! We came back to mid island to our local store and found a few of the things for another $ 49.12 and then to a third location for the last of it for another $ 70.00~! $ 582.89 total…. DAMMIT EMMIT~!!!! Admittedly, we bought a few ‘extra’ things for our new air fryer than I am picking up at the post office tomorrow…… but wowser~! We should be set for a while….. I hope~!
Back in our nice cool condo, everything sorted, repackaged and put away. Got to talk with a couple of the grand kids and finally made a drink and crashed on the couch. We have been watching a new series – Thirteen. Only one season long. Angie likes it a whole bunch more than I do, but for one season I’m toughing it out. I made us a small dinner and now we are up to the last episode of it, which we’ll watch as soon as I finish up here.
Supposed to get some work done on our patio doors tomorrow, so you don’t need a come along to open them….. Yay~! Please keep your fingers crossed for us on those…… it’s taken a two and half months, just to get the appointment~~
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – — Thankx for stopping in~!