Today was set aside by most accredited dive organizations as women’s dive day. One of my favorite shops ( Adventures in Diving STX) held their own version of it. Angie was asked if she was willing to help (since she is not a diver). She agreed and I wound up in the mix as well (since I am not a woman) and was utilized to help haul gear for the ladies from the shop to the pier. We showed up at 08:30 and set in almost immediately to work. 15 women showed up to join this shop for their dive – which meant hauling gear for all of them in small wagons. ( The pier is not accessible to vehicles unless you have a special permit) Finally got the ladies down there – geared up and in the water…… boy-0-boy did that water look nice~! About 45 minutes later we had to reverse the process, hauling the gear back. The dive shop had a nice little luncheon set up for the divers and they spent another hour eating, drinking champagne and chatting. Lots of chatting 😉 I hung out in the shade as the day was getting tropically hot. After getting the luncheon cleaned up – we finally loaded up and headed back to mid island.
My bride was to hot and worn out to want to contend with grocery shopping, so we cruised on past the store and headed for the condo. Almost there, she decided we needed to stop at Blues for ‘quick’ drink. Well~ you know how that goes…. We had several ‘quick’ drinks before finally coming back to the wonderfulness that is air conditioning. A pleasure many on the island do not have. A couple more drinks – a bite to eat and it’s time for this old fat boy to score a shower and some sleep. Grocery shopping tomorrow…… Hahahahaha………..
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
IMG_1993 <—– Video
Cynthia & “K”
Another group of lady divers
Look at that water~!!
More pictures from this tomorrow~~