Got a little bit better sleep last night after bombarding my own a$$ with a bunch of OTC medicines…… still not that good restful sleep I’m looking for though…… Spent the bulk of the day watching a wonderful [short] series called Big Pacific… fascinating bio on the biggest ocean on the planet…. only about 5 episodes long – but well worth the watch~! Had a couple of recommendations come in from my number 1 fan and one of my best friends – so anxious to scope them out. We watched a couple of more movies — again, nothing noteworthy…. well, there was one: Bad vs. Bad – absolutely, positively, do NOT waste your time on it. I can say with full and utter confidence, probably one of the DUMBEST damn movies I have watched in memory….. jeesh……..
Around 3:00 headed up to Blues to drop off some [long over due] birthday presents and some state side goodies to the Blues crew. R & B Connection was the band playing tonight (my Queens favorite band) – so we had to stay up and listen to them for a while – all the time chatting it up with the fine group of folks that makes up the Blues crowd.
With nothing more than a can of Vienna sausage and a small pack of Ritz crackers in me – it didn’t take long before I was up on plane. Knowing what was coming, I grabbed my bride and headed for the car. I made a pit stop through Mickey D’s for some much needed sustenance….. after all I have been eating reasonably ‘healthy’ all week 😉 My Queen is under the much misguided impression by not eating anything she will lose weight. While I admire her stamina not to eat – I hate what she is doing to herself…… but I learned long ago – just to STFU and move on….. although admittedly, I am not very good at it 😉 I have inhaled ‘my’ portion of the Mickey D order and now chatting with you.. but not for very long…. I need a shower and some sleep before a very long tomorrow up at Blues for our Fish With A Vet fundraiser Corn Hole Tournament. While I am in charge of the tournament tomorrow – I expect to be able to snap off a couple or 12 photo’s for you~~ Until then……………
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
Happy Birthday to my baby Sis Nelia…. Love ya Sis – can’t wait to see ya again~!