Holy Toledo……

Past several days friends on the island have been complaining loud and long about the island internet service providers….. I guess it finally caught up to me…. Geeeesh – you talk about slow~! Not sure I’m gonna get to finish this let alone get any more pictures loaded….. just another thing I miss about living in the land of plenty~~ (dives like the ones yesterday help make up for that though~~)    😉

Today was a mostly do nothing [physical] kind of day. A short night, most of which was spent on the couch, because of a constant dry hacking cough that I was afraid was keeping my bride awake. Me and ‘Doc’ both suspect it is being caused by my new BP meds – so Doc called in a different prescription…. I just started taking it yesterday morning – so hopefully that cough goes way soon. Our couch is lumpy and does not sleep well – especially when you have a coughing ‘spell’ every 10-15 minutes….. I may have got 3 hours sleep last night, so I am looking forward to hitting the hay soon~~

I spent the better part of the day on the computer, paying bills and getting caught up on club activities (Treasurer duties and Points Officer stuff)  I finally broke down and ordered an air fryer…. trying to work on that eating healthier heart smart stuff….. After about a 2 hour search, I finally found one I like and put it in my [online] cart — go to check out and wouldn’t you know it….?….. they don’t ship to the Virgin Islands. I’ll be just go to hell~! Not sure where people think we’re at – but it is U.S. Virgin Islands….. we’re part of the States~!!! (mostly)  I figured out a way to get it here – it’s just gonna cost me a fortune in shipping now~~  🙁   But I’ll be eating [a little] healthier now~!  🙂

Finally got to settle in on the couch with my Queen and we watched a couple of movies…… none worth mentioning. We’re still trying to come up with a new series we like (and still looking for recommendations) Nothing planned for tomorrow and hopefully not a lot of computer stuff to do (that requires internet) I guess I can go down to the VIYA building (our internet provider) and stage a small protest  😉 Maybe next AT&T because they suck almost as bad~!  More pictures from the dives if I can get them to load……………….

Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!

A couple of Squid
Squid – close up
even closer up of Squid
Greg and Student Bryan
Sand Diver
White Sea Cucumber
White Sea Cucumber (most of them are usually a nasty brown color)
Not entirely sure what these are – but I should have taken video – every little fiber on them moves in the current – gorgeous~!
Not entirely sure what these are – but I should have taken video – every little fiber on them moves in the current – gorgeous~!
Experimenting at the surface
Hawksbill Turtle
Corals – again, pictures just do not do them justice~~.
Stove Pipe Sponges.
Looking at the edge of the wall. (drops off to about 3000′)
Shark in the background – far below and moving fast~!.
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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

2 thoughts on “Holy Toledo……”

  1. Awesome pictures,,,,glad you are diving again,,,hope new BP Ed’s help,,I still have 2 days if these strong antibiotics to take and then off.… Can’t wait as they make me so sick that I am feeling better.… I can’t find a a new series either if you were Angie I would say watch Hart of Dixie which is so much fun ,,,or Heartland,,, which is a great story of family,,horses, etc,,really good, might be too low key, but might give try if want to gear down a little, need to watch first episode of Hart of Dixie just for the fun of it and a good laugh trust me you just should see at least one episode,,you will love the bartender,,, maybe a Jim ? early here but going to hit the sack… better, but still weak.. did go to town get my hair done though …always important …you all stay well… keep the pictures coming and enjoy life …love you guys

    1. Hi Vera –
      Great to hear from you as always, especially when you sound like you are starting to feel better…. I have been wishing the best for you these past several days. I have added Heart of Dixie and Heartland to my list that we are working through – and will absolutely check out Heart of Dixie ( I love the title).
      I am waiting patiently for my new BP meds to kick in…. still have the cough right now and a weird feeling in my chest – but Doc thinks it is because of the meds and that I am being a bit paranoid…. sadly, I agree with her so will give it another couple of days until I break into a full fledged panic 😉
      Please continue to take care of yourself and get healed up – and yes – a hair appointment is a must… something I learned a LONG time ago with my Mom – a hair appointment always helped make things better. 🙂
      Looking forward to more diving – didn’t realize how much I missed it – plus it gives me the ooportunity for lots of fun pictures for you and others.
      Take care,

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