A big wonderful dinner with almost our entire family before we climb aboard that big silver bird and head back to the land of sunshine, beaches and warm tropical breezes. Got to spend a little extra quiet time with Jeni and our new Grandbaby before gathering up at Hacienda for a good bye dinner.
Lord what a combination of misfits and weirdo’s…… but they are our misfits and weirdo’s and we wouldn’t have it any other way…….well, maybe a tad quieter 😉 The good byes at the end of the dinner were long and tugged hard at the heart strings……. probably the toughest part of our island life.
Worn out and ready for some rest — we have to be up by 03:30 to make our flight out at 06:00, so keeping this short. With any kind of luck – we will be back on our island by 3:15 tomorrow afternoon and hopefully not completely drained.
Good Night Ya’ll < < < < < < < < < < < < < Thankx for stopping in~!
(No editing or anything to pictures tonight… just too tired – no sorting either… just fresh off the camera) (( I’ll edit and sort and put some up again tomorrow))