41 Years~!!!

Today is our anniversary. Technically….. 41 years we have been married. A pretty good stretch by any ones imagination….. and seldom heard of in todays world. Yes – we have had our disagreements, fights and all the other ugly stuff that comes in between….. but in the end….. 41+ years we have been a husband and wife team……. good and bad… fun and not so fun…. we stuck it out and made it work. She believed in me when she probably shouldn’t have and likewise, I in her, her in me….. the good thing is, we both saw the ‘better’ in each of us when times were bad or shaky. We took off this early afternoon ( we were rained out from painting at Blues) for an afternoon to celebrate our accomplishment, only to be shut down in three different places because they were closed (AHHhh island life). We wound up at a place less than a mile from our condo that neither of us really ‘cared’ for – but we were both starving at that point – so what the hell. We were greeted reasonably promptly………… in an amorous mood… I ordered a bottle of Champagne and two glasses…. the evening just got better from there. We were there WELL before the evening menu went into affect, but a genuine smile and small wink – got my Queen a steak from the dinner menu. I ordered a pizza [since it was on the menu] and we enjoyed each others company while we whittled away at a decent bottle of iced down Champagne.

A presentable steak dinner showed up with Sautéed onions and my Queen (via my request) launched right into. Shortly afterward, a passable presentation of a pizza showed up. We both enjoyed steak, Sautéed onions, pizza, Champagne, and each others company. During the course of the afternoon, we enjoyed our meal, several smoke breaks out on a gorgeous beach and each others company, something today’s generation will probably never ‘get’. Kind of a surprise, I requested the bartender to offer up her best shot at Chocolate Martini’s….. while they were not “Ruth-at the Red Geranium” quality — they weren’t bad… and my Queen indulged in them with gusto.  We chatted at length, about visits “home”, how long we think we’ll stay here and many topics more on that subject. We finished the evening up with one more round of Crown and Cokes and Grey Goose and Cranberry…… putting a ‘finishing touch’ on a pretty great evening to wrap up celebrating 41 years.

We talked of the past, present and future….. a conversation that will test us even more the next couple of years….. but ya know…. after 41+ years together…. living on a tropical island in paradise……. that conversation, should be a piece of cake (hopefully chocolate)  😉

Good Night Ya’ll………………………………….Thankx for stopping in~!

Our sunrise ALMOST every morning~~

My Baby working hard this morning
Island Life

What was left of my Queen’s steak~~~  😉

My Queen of 41 years~!!!!!

A NOT “Ruth at the Red Geranium” Chocolate Martini

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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

4 thoughts on “41 Years~!!!”

  1. Great blog and pictures guess what jumped out at me,,,Vienna Sausages 9.98,,,,mercy,,,,,afraid to look at rest, but when saw total on list, glanced up, saw that, and understood why so high,,,,anyway, just waned
    to tell you enjoyed all,,,as usual, nothing new going on here, and sure you hear about it, maybe sooner than me,,,,they did repave our road on this backstreet, started beside Wilson’s, came down and around corner to my street, all,,,,except right before got to my house,,,end of my block,,stopped ,,,….hate to ever fuss about anything, but strange couldn’t come on down,,,,guess still a NON-LOCAL, as only been in NH area since 1956, and been in town since 2097,,,,,but,,,,I wasn’t born , nor did I graduate here, so have never been a REAL, LOCAL,,, helps if you are born here, but you sure better have graduated here,,,otherwise in a bit,,always an outsider, ,have a great week,,,hugs to both,,vj

    1. Hi Vera – I literally Laughed Out Loud when I read your post….. also kinda pulled at the heart strings a little bit…. you are definitely my first source of intel for ‘The Harm’…. not that I really care what goes on there any more – but it’s fun to try and keep up a little bit. Weird about the paving…. I would have thought especially near you, there would have been full paved and curbs…. because if you don’t qualify as a ‘local’…. NOBODY should…. hell, I was born in a different country…. so no wonder they didn’t like me when I got here (and apparently not real shot in the a$$ about me when I came back state side out of the USAF)….. go figure. I’m currently cooking my Bride a steak… but wanted to get a reply on it’s way to this great post of yours. Always love hearing from you~! We will be back in Indiana in about 3 weeks…. will definitely try and catch you for a quick visit while we’re there. Take care of yourself~!

  2. Happy *late* anniversary!!!! I’m super happy that you guys hit 41 years, that’s such a long time!! Tomorrow is my last day of Elementary School, and Friday was our awards ceremony, and I got the Presidential Academic Award of Excellence. I love you so much and I’ll see you guys in like 2 weeks!
    Love you so much!

    1. Hi my Sugar Pop~~
      Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes…. It is indeed a long time, but anything worth doing, is worth doing well….. I’m sure your Mom & Dad would agree with me. I saw where you won the award of excellence…. Very happy for you and very, VERY proud of you. Keep it up – it will be worth it in the long run~! We are getting anxious to come back to the states to see everybody. I know Oma was just there, but she is still excited to come back as am I. Can’t wait to see you and you Brother and Sister~!! Sure do Love you Sugar Pop~!

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