Well I got the place straightened up yesterday and sat down and to watch some TV for a little bit before I had to take off for the airport to fetch my Queen. I had received several texts from her saying there was delays so I knew the original 10:57[pm] arrival time would be pushed out a little bit…… and boy howdy did it ever. Her plane touched down a couple of minutes before Midnight…… but I finally collected her and her luggage and headed out to the truck. I mixed us a drink and cheered her return. By the time we got back, had a couple more drinks and chatted for a bit, it was 02:00 in the morning. We finally fell into bed for some much needed sleep. I was hoping to sleep in until at least 09:00….. but shortly after 07:00, my eyes popped open. Having to wizzzz real bad, I went ahead and got up. Once I’m up like that – I’m up. My Bride slept in for another hour and a half or so before she finally came out.
We spent a pretty quiet day not doing much. Around 4:00 – we ran up to Blues so she could say her hello’s. We wound up shutting them down. Swung by Mickey-D’s for some fish sammiches and back here to wolf them down. I find myself now, so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open…. so I’m gonna put up a couple of pictures from today and some dive pictures for you. I have been asked by a friend to join him on the West end tomorrow to shoot some underwater pictures for him. His wife is apparently doing a ‘Discover SCUBA’ dive and they would like it documented. My Bride said she is fine with me running out there to do that even though it is Mothers Day. She said she would probably come along and hang out on the beach while I dove. So for now, I’m calling it a night so I’m better rested for the dive tomorrow.
Good Night Ya’ll . .. . . . . . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!
Sun SET (for a change)