Journeyed downtown to meet up with St. Croix Ultimate Bluewater Adventure (S.C.U.B.A.) I have dove with these folks several times before and always enjoyed it. I did not however enjoy the price hike they implemented and I’m afraid today may be my last dive with them. Not saying they’re not worth it – but I can make 5 dives (with a competitor) for the same money I paid this morning to make 2 dives. I have never considered myself cheap – but that is a HUGE difference and I am after all on a limited income now.
With that being said…. both dives were outstanding. Sharks, Barracudas, Sting Rays and Turtles on both sites plus all the other wonderful creatures that share the water with them and us.
Came back, got a quick shower and started uploading pictures. I still have pictures from previous dives to show you, but will put up some from today’s tonight. I’ll save the others for the next several days. My Queen is coming in tonight [albeit, now much later than originally scheduled – thankx American Airlines~!] and I suspect I won’t have near as much to write about the next couple of days – but will have LOTS of pictures for you. I still have a little cleaning and straightening to do before I go fetch my Queen – so I’m calling it quits here. Sure has been a fun week doing all this diving, but I’m ready to have my Bride back~~ : )
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!