Rolled out again bright and early to get morning stuff out of the way before heading back to Cane Bay for the third straight day in a row. I was a little apprehensive this morning as the Cane Bay area was setting up for a big music festival and I was afraid we would wind up having to park 1/2 a mile a way. Happily relieved to find a spot right next to the instructor there on the beach where we go into the water. Deana showed up and finally so did Josh. We all suited up, went through gear checks and waded out into the water. I am not ashamed to say – that water was fresh wading into it…… especially when that first wave that hits you right in the whatcha-ma-call-it….. Wow~! Once you’re in though, it becomes very comfortable. We headed out and a swam around taking pictures of Deana as she completed her next series of tests. One of them is to manually inflate your BCD (Buoyancy Compensation Device) the thingy that helps you float. She also had to remove her mask – completely, then put it back on and clear it. Not really that hard to do – just a tad intimidating the first time….. but it is a really good skill to have – for many reasons~! She also had to demonstrate navigational skills – and she nailed it. After all those were done, we took off to explore – and explore we did. There was a shark….. I got a picture of it this time, albeit, just barely…. and turtles~! Big, friendly patient turtles…. well – 2 of them were, the 3rd one didn’t want to have much to do with us. Finally headed back for the shore and Deana had to do an [ simulated] emergency ascent…. or ESA (Emergency Swimming Ascent) Complicated little maneuver that scared the $hit out of me when I had to do mine. Because I did not do mine to my Instructors liking, he made me do it again…. and then a third time when he was finally happy with it……. I’m much more comfortable doing it now 😉 That is another good skill to have…. Can get you out of a world of trouble in most cases. After that, we came back in for our required surface interval. The appropriate amount of time to let nitrogen dissipate from your body before going back in the water. The music festival was gearing up and the smells of multiple grills going really got the saliva going…… but there was another dive to do~! This dive for Deana was a lot better – no instructional skills to perform…. it was basically a welcome to the sport dive for once last chance for the instructor to watch and point out anything that needed corrected. Saw another turtle – I heard there was a sting ray, but I managed to miss it… and again – a go-zillion fish to accompany us on our swim. Almost back to the shore, the instructor stopped and had Deana read a small slate he was carrying – that basically said, you have completed your PADI Open Water certification course and you are now a certified SCUBA diver~! Pretty neat little moment. Yes, I got pictures of it. 😉 I am very proud of her – she done a good job and I am honored and tickled she invited me along to document it. CONGRATULATIONS Deana~!
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!