We slept in a teeny tiny bit on Friday morning, but we both agreed while we had a good time on St. Thomas – we were both looking forward to getting back home. Always nice as it is to get out and see new things and we have certainly done that in the past year or so – there is something comforting about heading back to a place where you’re comfortable. You know your surroundings, you know the people and the customs and it’s just, well, comfortable. Something we both stepped WAY out side of when we started this journey. We managed and while there were some moments for both of us, I personally wouldn’t trade the experience(s) for love nor money.
We headed back into town – dropped off our little Jeep (I will kind of miss it) and was hauled to the Seaplane base for our flight back to St. Croix~! We got there much earlier than we needed to be so I asked if we could bump up to the flight that was leaving in about 20 minutes….. they said yes -but- it would be an additional $221.00 for the change ticket fee. Give me a friggin break~!! 2 Brand new tickets would only be $200.00-!! Plus I’d have to ‘eat’ our existing tickets. Thank you…..NO. So we sat and waited for an hour and 45 minutes until the plane came back. 221 dollars….. un-freakin-believable~!!! That’s okay – I wore their ass out on Trip Advisor~! The flight back was fairy uneventful….. I was hoping to get some “passing over” shots of our condo – but winds that day would not allow it. I did however get a picture of our “home away from home” – Blues Backyard BBQ and some other fun shots. Once again, all of the videos I shot are too big to get in here — so – FB 🙁 sorry~
I think I may have covered some of this in an earlier post – and I don’t want to repeat myself….. so suffice to say [in a nut shell] – we stopped for groceries on the way home, dropped them off at the condo and wound up at Blues for a wonderful welcome back reception of sorts… Ahhh, familiarity….. it’s good for the soul every once in a while whether you think you need it or not~~
Good Night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!