When I left you last night, we had just navigated half of the island of St. John, including two successful trips navigating a massively large mudhole. As we inched our way back onto what can meagerly be described as a road – we continued our trip around the island. A Beautiful island – but if I’m lying I’m dying, there is not more than a bout a mile of road on that island that is not either going UP or DOWN….. We were what I guesstimated to be about 3/4 around the island when we unceremoniously wound up in a guys back yard….. I said to my Queen…. dammit…. did I miss a turn ? We both agreed I didn’t, so I hung a quick U-turn and head back from whence we came…… never finding an alternate route. I’ll be damned if we didn’t wind up driving all the friggin way (well – 3/4 back around the island) I looked it up when we got back ‘home’ – and apparently, the remainder of the road was wiped out by the storm…… now that would have been some damn fine intel to know right there~!! Anyhow….. we finally wound up navigating pretty much every drivable road on the island, so we got a good look at the island. We wound up down town deciding a bite to eat and some alcohol would be appropriate at this point ( I think I may have stressed my Queen out a little bit with my navigation of some of those roads)….. we circled town probably 3 or 4 times without finding a parking place (within a 1/2 mile) and neither of us being what you would call ‘walking’ type folks, opted to head back to the ferry and get in position for the ride back to St. Thomas. I’m gonna step up here and admit, that I was supposed to look up Nelia’s Restaurant while we were there – but in my fat headed infinite wisdom, forgot about it and didn’t see it. For those of you unfamiliar – my baby Sisters name is Nelia, and I told her if and when I got to St. John, I would look it up……. mean ole big brother~! (or stupid ole big brother — both work) So I guess I’ll just have to haul our touchas’ over there again 😉
We got loaded onto the ferry and started our over water journey back to St. Thomas. We were on the back of the ferry this time – so we had a better view for the 20 minute boat ride. The ride was enhanced by the fact we had a couple of young guys, leaning on our Jeep during the ride, enjoying some herbal refreshment….. We almost got a contact high sitting there~! Quickly back on St. Thomas, we headed back to the resort for alcohol and food…. in that order. Here again – about at my goal of 500 words…. so I will not regale you of our evening at Margaritaville – suffice to say…. we ate, drank and was merry~~
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!