Woke up a little late the next day from a hearty fun filled night of drinking and singing karaoke…… we kinda lounged around the room until we started feeling a little better. We opted to skip breakfast and loaded up into our little Jeep Wrangler to explore the island of St. John, U.S.V.I.~! I knew the port wasn’t very far from us, so away we went. Got our port pass and was directed to back into a spot in line to drive (actually back) onto the ferry. As backward and set in their ways as these people are on these islands, this crew loading the ferry, was mostly impressive. The guy giving directions to you as you backed onto this large boat, needed work in direction giving, but in less than 20 minutes had the entire boat filled – bumper-to-bumper. This included large semi trucks, front end loaders and every size vehicle you can shake a stick at. We were one of the very last vehicles on the boat, so we were right at the front and really couldn’t see very much (other than waves coming through the slot in the front of the boat and splashing the first 3 lines of cars) We were packed in so tight, I could not get out of my door, so after some aerobic moves and some effort – I finally made it out of Angie’s side of the car) Kinda of a unique feeling, sitting in a car and cruising across the water. In about 20 minutes we pulled into St. John harbor. Since we were at the front – we were one of the first cars off of the ferry. A friend had told us, “go right” when we left the port – so we did…….. wow – now there was a piece of advice……. We followed the road to where ever it led us. UP hills, DOWN hills, repeat far too many times to count. St. John is a little bitty island and there isn’t more than about a quarter of a mile of it that isn’t located on the side of the giant mountain that is that island. An adventure we did have though~! We followed one path, that we probably should have skipped, including one particular mud hole, that I stopped and wondered out loud – reckon how deep you think it is ? My logic was that we were in a 4 wheel drive Jeep….. and I should be able to get out of anything I got us into. Before my Bride could answer, I gunned it and lunged into a ‘mud puddle’ that was about 20′ long, 12′ wide, and as it turns out…. about 2′ deep~! There went our nice pretty wash job on the Jeep. 🙂 I powered on through and after an extremely bumpy 1/2 mile drive – got us to a beautiful little lagoon. There was supposed to be another little beach another 1/2mile farther down – but my Queen decided we didn’t need to go find it. I did not argue with her. We powered our way back through the big mud hole and continued to drive the island.
I found it funny I was pulling over to get “that shot” of beaches and landscape, when just the day before, we had flown over and I had got the ultimate shots of where we were. Something abut the satisfaction of driving up and down those steep winding roads with all the switch backs and everything, made the shots a little more special. Well crap! I just checked and I’m way over my word limit already… so I’ll stop here and pick it back up tomorrow.
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!

St. John U.S.V.I.

View from St. John U.S.V.I.