Had my alarm set for 07:00 this morning because it was well after midnight before we got in bed from turtle (#7) watching last night…… was looking forward to a night of decent slumber from the activities of the day……. 06:20 I woke and had to take a leak so bad my eye balls were floating….Dammit Emmit~! I knew once I was up – I was up, and I would have to sacrifice that last 40 minutes…. Hate it when that happens….. but I got up and pee’d for what seemed like an hour. You know the old saying…. corn is a crop – a pee is a relief 😉 That out of the way – I went out and took a couple of pix of the mess that is now our beach….. but to me, all those turtle tracks are just plain ole gorgeous…… I stood and looked at all the tracks and watched the sun come up as I enjoyed that first smoke of the day……. truly, a great way to start any day off with~~
Went in and roused my Queen just a bit after 07:00 as she wanted to join me at Blues to finish off the flag project. We had other running to do, so we had our coffee and cigarettes and head out the door shortly before 09:00. We dropped a load of laundry off and headed for Blues. It didn’t take me 15 minutes to make the necessary adjustments to finish the flag pole off. It took 3 different deliveries from the supplier to finally get all the pieces I needed, but they are done now and I love the way it looks…… as does Jim. With that done – I noticed the wood pile for the smoker was much lower than I expected – so I started gathering the tools I needed to cut up some more wood. Because I knew that would take me at least an hour – I told my bride she could go ahead and take off and get the grocery shopping out of the way while I worked on the wood supply….. to which she happily agreed to – a much funner option than watching me sweat my brains out restocking the wood….. I got the wood supply restocked and sat down and inhaled a couple of frosty cold Budweiser’s to help replenish the sweat that poured out of me. Then I had a couple of more while chatting with Jim…. then I had a couple of more while chatting with some friends that came in, as the place was officially open for business by then. I pinged my Queen to check on her as it had been 3 hours by then ( I was figuring an hour and half) – all was well, so I kept drinking and chatting. Starting getting bloated, so I switched to my latest drink – a Screwdriver with a splash of pineapple…… Lord have mercy were them things going down good…….. after about 4 hours, my bride finally showed up. We drank and chatted with lots of folks for a bit. I got talking with a local dive master about another possible “job” opportunity…. more on that later…. and I also picked up a small job hanging some doors for some guys I know. (I have to find something to do besides drink) 😉
Finally came back home for a bite to eat and some conditioned air….. Going to go and support the Blues crew at a rib cooking contest tomorrow and check out a new dive shop while I’m at it. Should be a fun day……. no turtles tonight….yet 😉 I almost forgot….. Happy September the One~th~!!
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!
IMG_7157 <— turtle video
IMG_7158 <— Better turtle video