Got side tracked from writing yesterday due to unexpectedly passing out on the couch…… more about that later.
Yesterday the crowd rolled out fairly late again and there was a calm slow move to get people fed….. boys doubled up on breakfast again 🙂 Everybody fed and the dishes done…..we just sat around a bit. I think everybody was a little bummed it was ‘going home’ day…… the boys finally decided they wanted one more dip in the pool before they headed back for Indiana. I went up with everybody while Oma hung back and took it easy while straightening everything up a little bit. I got to spend some time chatting with my Honeybear while the guys tried to wear out the pool. Kylen finally winding up bailing in the deep end like his big brothers. Won’t be long before that little turd is doing back flips off of a high dive… he’s a regular little water bug. Time finally came when we had to head back to the condo and start getting ready for the drive to the airport. Finally all packed up – we got to the airport and started the painful good byes. Lots of tears and hugs and our baby and her babies were walking through the gates. Sure hated to see them go……….. 🙁
After they went into the gate area, we moped back out to DD and started a quiet lonely drive back to the condo. We weren’t even off of the airport grounds before we starting missing them. Only bad part of a family visit, is having to send them off again….. I decided on the drive home, that I could not go straight back to the unit – so we stopped in at Blues. I knew Oma’s favorite band was playing and I wanted a drink….. a strong drink. Eddy was bar tending and already hand me a Budweiser when I walked up, so I ordered a shot of Crown to go with it and we toasted to our Honeybear and her family. It didn’t take long before we had multiple friends talking to us asking about the visit and what all we did – which helped take our mind off the pain of them leaving a little bit. Time wore on, the beer was cold and the band was on point. Before we knew it, it was last call, so we got ‘one for the road’ and came on back to our once again quiet little abode. It dawned on me I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and needed a little bit of something to help soak up a whole bunch of alcohol….. so I nuked me up a couple of piece of left over pizza. Full belly and about a half of a ‘snoot full’….. I stretched out to relax and watch a little bit of the idiot box (It was only 7:00pm)….. Next thing I knew, I heard my Queen shutting the place down and it was going on 11:00pm…… I guess, a long busy week, some alcohol and food in my belly caught up with me…. I had full intentions of getting up and writing a little bit for you – but I just couldn’t make it happen. I went out for a quick smoke and then joined my bride in bed……… A bunch more pictures for you from the previous days will hopefully make up for the missed post.
Good night Ya’ll —- Thankx for stopping in~!