Tie me to an ant hill and smother my ears in jelly~!! Yet another attempt to get our internet fixed and yet another day of frustration dealing with what has got to be one of the most Mickey Mouse excuses for an internet outfit I have ever dealt with (VIYA – if you’re eavesdropping – it’s YOU I am talking about you worthless piece of SH*T~!) Jesus H. Christ — what a bunch of jerk water butt wipes~!!!!!! Sorry – I had to get that out of my system….. I fully intend to light up their FB page as soon as I get this loaded…….. I thought AT&T was pathetic……. jeeeez — they can’t hold a candle to this bunch of sh*t stains…….
AnyWHO~~~~ (don’t ya hate when people say that) 😉 Our next day (Steph and the boys and us) — was spent at Rainbow beach – arguably one of the most popular beaches on the island. I think part of that may be due to the fact that Rhythm’s Bar sits right next door to it. We have been to that bar multiple times, and it is always a fun experience — good food, the staff is fun and friendly and the views are to die for…… Steph said she wanted to check it our before they left – so away we went — it is on the West end of the island, so it is a 30 minute drive, but the water is almost always calm there – and it is a very pretty beach. We got there reasonably early and was the first people to pick out a spot on that gorgeous beach. A couple of small spots that hold bunches of small fish for novice snorkeler’s to OOh and Ahh about. Close to shore and easy to reach – although a strong surge that day added it’s own unique challenge to it, although as any good salt will tell you …… a calm sea does not a good sailor make (or snorkeler)
We swam, snorkeled and pitched balls the better part of the day, stopping for shade breaks and a nice ‘lunch’ break at Rhythm’s bar….. I am comfortable saying everybody had a good time – including my ‘Mess’ who got himself a really nice nap in after a vigorous morning of bobbing about in the waves……… As the sun started it’s downward trek toward the horizon, we loaded up DD and headed back to the condo. Getting back, everybody rinsed off the salt, the grill was loaded up and we watched the sun set as my Deuce tried out his hand with my GoPro…….
Bellies full, a fun filled, sun filled day and soon everybody was heading for bed… getting rested for their last day on the island~~~
I’m going to try and load the rest of Stephie’s and my dive pictures- depending how it goes – maybe a few more. Good night ya’ll — Thankx for stopping in~!