After our start of our usual coffee and a couple of cigarettes, my bride made us our standard breakfast. Did you ever give any thought that most people (and I use the term most loosely) have the same thing for breakfast everyday and don’t get tired of it?? I know the last 15 years of my working life – I had almost the exact same thing for breakfast every morning (and usually on the weekends, just a little bit more of it) I had a small orange juice, 2 eggs and 2 small pieces of sausage and a small glass of milk…… and never got tired of it~! Actually looked forward to it each morning~! Oh – I would occasionally scramble the eggs versus making them over-medium and once in a while substitute a couple of chunks of spam for the sausage – but by in large the same thing day after day….. and never got tired of it. My lunchmeat (multiple types of lunchmeat) sammiches that I brought and had for lunch everyday — constantly got tired of them….. and I don’t know of anyone – who would have the same thing for dinner, over and over and over before getting tired of it. I wonder why breakfast is different ? But I digress……
I have decided I am going to go ahead and go for my Advanced Open Water Certificate before we leave this island. I like the dive shop I’m working with and it just feels like the right place and time to do it. I think we’ll be fairly busy our first several months on St. Croix – and I’m not sure how much time I’ll get to devote to diving in that time period. So I signed up for the course and got the needed textbooks. I have to ‘test’ in 5 different areas (text book knowledge and applying while diving). There are two required courses, Navigation and Deep Diving. That distress’ me slightly because the part of navigation I had to do in my initial training – I found out that I SUCK at it – so probably a good thing I’m getting more training. Deep diving doesn’t concern me as I have already “snuck” down to 100′ twice already (Anything below 60′ is considered ‘deep’) – so I know I’m good there. I had a variety of things to choose from for my other three areas, so I wound up with Peak Performance Buoyancy, Wreck Diving and Diver Propulsion Vehicle. I am apparently going to get credit for my 2 previous dives on the Hilma Hooker for the wreck diving – woo-hoo, so have only 4 more dives to make for the certification (provided I pass).
I kinda wandered off path again….. so – I didn’t do anything ‘fun’ today (or at least worthy of taking pictures) except sit around and read text books and take tests. So gonna leave it here with a couple of re-runs………….. Can’t wait to try out and tell you about the DPV — it’s kinda like a underwater motorcycle, except I think the one I’m training on will be more like holding onto the fins of a torpedo……. well crap… here I go again. Dammit Emmit~! 😉
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving