After what seemed like a month, I once again got to drop below the surface of the sea and spend a couple of hours doing my thing. Operating in a bit of a Dive Master capacity as well as photographer, we had a group of 11 divers. Visibility left a lot to be desired, so keeping an eye on everybody proved to be a challenge. It also made good pictures a challenge. I apparently had my strobes out of whack and didn’t notice it, so pictures came out less than stellar. I did a LOT more editing than I’m used now and remember just exactly bad I don’t enjoy it. Not to mention it takes a lot of extra time and the pictures are not the quality I’m proud of. Editing saved a couple of them. Live and learn.
My Queen just pulled up with pizza (a surprise). She’s been out running around with Doctor’s appointments. She is having pain in her shoulder and trying to get it checked out. Her regular doctor is saying it is a rotor cup – but I have my doubts (being the brain-iac I am) 😉 I just got the run down on all of it. Apparently new doctors agree with the FUBAR’d rotor cup diagnosis. Now they are talking physical therapy and possibly surgery…….. My brain is trying to wrap around the information she just dropped on me and I went straight out of writing mood…… more tomorrow~~~
Good Night Y’all + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!