A weird night of sleep……. if I didn’t know better I would think I was having flash backs from the Chantix….. weird dreams, back itching, almost sweating (no, I still haven’t turned on the A/C yet but it’s getting closer), but whatever the issue is….. just wasn’t a stellar night’s sleep. Up, gear all put together….. made me a decent breakfast this morning. Was starting to get into the habit of skipping that — even though I know it is a bad/stupid thing to do. Diving was awesome today……to start with, we only had 2 guests on the boat….. count ’em– 2. They were both decent divers, so didn’t require any additional attention. Neither were zoomies, so I got some awesome shark pictures….. the visibility was crazy…. well over 200′~! Kinda like swimming around in a big aquarium. Loved it~! Plus– I got to spend almost every bit of each dive…. diving [instead of baby siting] and playing with my camera and I have the pictures to show for it….. they came out so good~! Back here and got pictures edited and put up. Home early, done editing early…… just the way I like it. Looking forward to a shower and maybe a movie. We wound up watching Spiderman (II?) Not sure, just know I hadn’t seen it yet. It was okay…. pretty cheesy and I really miss MJ not being in it….. We need to find another series to watch. Vera— we wound up watching The Lincoln Lawyer [series]…. we both loved it…… just wish it would have had a few more seasons. Thank you for the recommendation~! (also….there are a couple of [small] eel pictures below)
Easy and hopefully not to busy day planned for tomorrow. I want to go to the local Deli and see if I can score some decent sammich fixin’s….. Turkey & Chicken as I am trying to eat a little smarter, although I may snag some German Bologna if they have any as well. Somebody put up another picture of a big ole Fried Bologna sammich on FB and dang if it doesn’t look good~!! Looks like I’m gonna have to swing by the local dive shop and look at a new GoPro…… I gave it the old college try and still haven’t been able to get my ‘4‘ to come back to life 🙁 . I also intend to spend a little time showing the little Suzuki I’m driving some love. It looks like it hasn’t seen any recently, so as a thank you to the guy letting me borrow it, I’m gonna spruce it up a little bit. For now, I’m gonna go in and see what I can rustle up to eat….. my belly is starting growl….. guess I should have went to the Deli today~~ 😉
Good night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!