Hello all—
I know I have been out a lot longer than I usually am out, but this outage was a little different from the others. I guess most, if not all of you know, I went back to the states for the death of yet another Sister. This time it was Leta. Leta was a year younger than me and while her health had been a mess for the past decade, she was actually doing really well recently. Guess that is the main reason this came as such a shock. Nobody saw it coming. According to the Coroner, it was very quick in her sleep. The optimum way to go if your are lucky enough to have a choice. So we got that whole thing done and out of the way and then spent some time with family. The days and nights were filled with a lot of family time and things to do. We got to see almost everybody we wanted to see including my #1 blog fan Vera, whom I’m happy to report is doing wonderful and looking wonderful as well~!! I think the Damn Neighbors were the only ones we couldn’t line up schedules with….. hopefully the next time. Lots of ground covered in the air and again on the ground……. way to much driving for $4.00 a gallon gasoline and especially after flying 2000 miles~! Oh well……….. The weather mostly sucked, which made it even tougher to be there….. so, so, so happy to be back on our warm little rock. I had one day to recoup and try and get stuff together, before being lured back onto the dive boat….. LOL. I used the term lured…. loosely~~~
Once back on the island– Met up with a young man and young lady from our neck of the woods back in the states. They took us to dinner and ‘picked our brains’ about our little piece of heaven here. They had been here a week already but happy we got back in time to spend some time with them. I’ve known him since he was knee high to a grass hopper and I worked for several years with her out at SABIC. It was a very enjoyable evening and meal with them. They are heading back tomorrow.
In the meantime, I am back at ‘work’. Lord have mercy it felt good to hit that water……it was like being in a massive all body hug. What made it even better, was we are having unheard of visibility right now….. 300+’….. incredible~! Didn’t see many critters today….. but it was like swimming in an aquarium….. just what I needed for my first day back. I have the first two dives of the day under my belt now, pictures have been edited and put up. We even ran down to Louie & Nacho’s for dinner as my Queen was hankering for some more Cheeseburger Taco’s. We’re back now and I’m trying to settle back into a routine once again….. this is my start~~~ Busy, busy, busy day tomorrow….. cruise ship in…. always makes for an entertaining and busy, busy day and lots of pictures~!
Good Night Y’all : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stopping in~!