Up this morning watching it rain and happily wiping out any thought of mowing the grass that I had. Even though I had a decent nights sleep, I still had pain in enough places that mowing the yard was one of the very last things on the planet that I wanted to today. My Bride made us a small breakfast and while she did dishes, I went into our spare room and cleaned out the closest, repaired the shelf that had fell down and put all my stuff up that I had drug out the last several days. With that done, I took a handful of Ibuprofen and sank into the couch. There I sat until a handful of minutes ago. Doing my afternoon ‘stuff’….. watching out investment accounts spiral nastily downward. They have been doing pretty crappy all year but with this Russia/Ukraine business they are really going into the toilet. Dammit Emmit. I’d hate to have to come back to the states because of crap like that, but when prices climb frantically there in the states, here on the island they really go nuts. So far, we are holding our own though. As I sit here, it occurs to me, the sun has been shining most of the day and the grass looks easily cut-able….. drats….. guess I should have checked earlier 😉
Instead of my normal weekend ‘off’ – I am going to go diving, 1) since I haven’t been wet in almost a week and 2) a previous guest reached out to me and said she is going to be back on island for a couple of days, diving with our shop and by chance would I happen to be on any of the boats she will be on. How can I turn down not getting on those boats ? Plus, tomorrow afternoon is our bi-monthly “JR” Dive, where we encourage parents to come out diving with their kids. Used to be an afternoon people came and just dropped their kids off, but the past several months, they have been actually going out diving with them. It makes for great pictures. It’s a lot of work to chase them little scallywag’s around all over the ocean floor, but it’s worth it…… so from a week of nasty physical labor to starting my new week off with making 3 dives on Sunday. I like it. I’m putting up a Hodgepodge of pictures tonight for you to look at that I have snapped over the past week or so, so a little bit of everything for you tonight…….
Good Night Ya’ll & & & & & & & & & & & & & Thankx for stopping in~!