Up bright and early to get ready to head out to get my wind shield replaced. Wasn’t in the mood to make breakfast, so I nuked up a small egg, cheese and sausage biscuit and had it with a small glass of milk. Not the best thing I could have had, but it was hot and tasty and was at least ‘something’ down there so I could take my daily pile of pills.
My appointment yesterday with Doc went as well as I could hope for. She is really happy with everything she saw. She is even going to try and wean me off some of my BP pills…. (not all of them-yet) She said waiting for Medicare to kick in before I get my MRI is fine as she was having me get it done as an abundance of caution more than anything. (Yea!) She checked me over, thumped, tapped, listen, felt, pushed and pulled and gave me a big ole thumbs up on overall condition. I expressed a worry about my weight, which continues to skyrocket. She said with my latest schedule, quitting smoking and dang near completely stopped drinking, I should turn it around and it should start coming off soon enough. Sure hope she knows what she is talking about. I already feel like I don’t eat enough to keep a bird alive……. guess we’ll see. I came back to the house and shared the news with my bride and hung out with her until it was time to take off back to mid-island for our Shops latest ‘Wine Pairing’. Small group this round, so a little easier getting pictures and I even got home a few minutes earlier than usual, but by the time I got pictures edited and put in my gallery, it was already past my bed time (so no blog or FB last night)
Headed out early this morning while I left my Bride in bed sleeping. Again- mid-island to the local glass repair shop. My appointment was for 09:00…. I was there by 08:15, figuring [or better yet, hoping] to get in there early, thus getting away early. Uh…. that would be a big negatory there storm trooper…… You have 3 people in front of you….. couple of issues with that….1) you’ve only been open 15 minutes and 2)— I had a freaking appointment!! I told the young lady as politely as I could muster “really kinda useless to have an appointment then ain’t it” ‘Oh, yeah….. you’re waiting here on your truck correct-? (yes)……then, as soon as they finish the car they are working on now- I’ll have them take yours in’. I’m gonna shorten this up a bunch for you…… I should have been ‘out’ of there by 11:00…… they didn’t get my truck in until almost 11:30….. it just went down hill from there….. but I tell you kind readers….. this fat old man kept his cool. I wandered their parking lot for almost 7 hours. Yes…. 7 hours~! I did find 36 cents while doing it….. but I digress. I now have a new wind shield, it’s not supposed to leak…… well see~ Diving tomorrow- at least 3 dives~!! Yay~!
Good Night Y’all & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Thankx for stopping in~!
Vera—- warning: LOTS of eel stuff halfway through pictures…….
P2090281 <—- EEL video