A mostly better night for me and maybe a bit better for Angie — I was up and had finished most of my morning stuff by the time she came stumbling out. I was mildly surprised yet happy when she stumbled back on into the bedroom and went back to sleep. She wound up sleeping a couple more hours and came out and said she was feeling much better. We settled in at the table with coffee and let the day amble on by. I made her some soup, with some Ritz and cheese later. She continues to cough and gag……. dammit emmit. She sent a note to her doctor to see if she could get in Monday morning to see her. (yea- you can do that with our Doctor) 😉 I hope she can. She just got up and went over and laid down on the couch for a little bit. She’s has also developed a fever……..dammit…….. so cross your fingers Doc can get her in or at least phone in some stuff for her.
I did manage to get into town to get the ATV yard mowed and weed eatered as well as running out past the dump and dropping a bag of garbage off. Back at the house, I offered to make Angie anything she wanted for dinner, thinking eating something should help. Angie is now sleeping quietly….. I hope she gets in a good nap. I don’t plan on going diving until I’m sure my Queen is on the mend. So things are almost back to normal…… almost~~
Good Night Y’all – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!