I roused this morning after a miserable night’s sleep… took just over 2 hours to FINALLY fall asleep last night (even in the luxury of our nice cool bedroom)….. finally drifted off to a half a$$ slumber only to be waken by what I initially thought was someone knocking on our door. After listening a little closer and chatting with the neighbor later that morning — turns out it was gun shots……. great…….. Never got full back to sleep after that and finally got up by 05:30 – I was afraid I was gonna keep my Queen awake by wallering…. and she had a tough enough sleep the way it was. I was kinda looking forward to today — a busy day up on the mountain clearing trails, a quick shower then help the islands kids haul in a group of family they had coming in….. then back to the house to get everything put together and charged for a morning of diving the next morning — getting to try out my brand spanking new system. I was amped. Afraid we wouldn’t have as much time as we needed – I got up on yon mountain top just a smidge after 07:00 and just ‘went like hell’ for about 3 hours. Got all of ‘my’ areas done and hauled on down the trail to find Shawn. My pick-um-truck on an ATV trail……. it did amazing well. Got together with Shawn and formulated our plan….. although to me a ‘mysterious‘ plan – I fell in line and did what I was told to do. I did stray a touch when I ran on into town and got the ATV yard cleaned up as well. I had all the gear I needed…. I was already dripping wet with sweat – AND- I could get it done and still have time to get my shower and meet Cynthia at the airport. I was told my truck was needed to haul LOTS of baggage – and they needed a “crowd” to welcome the group as they had never had a rowdy reception at an airport before. Sounded [mostly] legit to me……. well, I mean….. trying to figure out what Island Daughter has rattling around in that pretty little skull of hers is a challenge sometimes….. so in the spirit of the island…. I just went with it. I was just happy to be done mowing stuff.
We got to the airport – Sign in hand – waiting to make a rowdy reception for people we’ve never met. Not knowing who to look for we stood and stared and asked – is that them? About that time a little dude came into view (wearing a massive pair of sunglasses) and I thought – Damn… that looks like my ‘Mess‘….. before I could process that – another little dude came into view (without a massive pair of sunglasses) and I recognized him immediately as my Deuce… my buddy, Will~! Here came Stephanie and Josh right behind them. I’m sure my jaw dropped out from under my mask and hit the floor. (They weren’t due in for another 2 days) Apparently there was a WHOLE bunch of planning and conniving and coercing and all them others things behind our backs— and they all got us. Minds officially friggin’ blown~!!!! Already over my limit here…. so will save some for tomorrow [if I get the chance to write] tonight everybody is tuckered out after a very long day and an hour or so on the beach before dinner…… Icing on today’s “cake”, the dive I was scheduled to do tomorrow…… includes Steph and Josh….. this is one very happy camper right here~!! Vera– posts for the next 10-11 days may be a little sketchy…. so bear with me please 😉 )
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!
My ‘view’ from my “office” this morning….. St. Thomas and St. John in the distance.
Carambola Resort down in the lower left corner~!