A rare day off for both my Queen and I today…… the diving business has dropped way off and the boat is idle….. which turns out to be a good thing right about now. My new camera housing was due in today….. but our mickey mouse post office says you cannot go to the window and ask about a package if you have not received an official “package pick up” card in your mail box – even though you have an official notice from the USPS saying it is there. So hopefully I will be able to pick up my new housing tomorrow and put my new camera into and fire it up to check it out…….. Needing some groceries [groan] Angie headed to the grocery store after making a scrump-dillioius breakfast. I did the dishes when she took off, before going out and cranking up ye old lawn mower. I was cruising right along – enjoying watching the detail that was working on that big yard across the roadway from us. The place has looked and sounded like a jungle for the last year and a half and just in the last couple of days, we have had a crew in there (from DPNR- Department of Planning and Natural Resources) cleaning it up. It’s funny to watch….. the local White Herron’s have learned that the sound of a lawn mower, weed eater (or giant bush hog) means easy pickings for a meal of bugs stirred up by said implements. I usually have my own little crowd of the big white birds when I am pulling my lawn maintenance – but the big bush hog next door was stirring up way more edible goodies. It’s neat to watch the birds dart in and out trying to get to the fresh mowed area. I finished mowing the yard and was about half way through weed eating, when an elderly gentleman that had been weed eating in the adjacent yard – starting waving frantically at me. I shut my weed eater off and walked over to him. His accent was so thick I could not understand a word he was saying – but it was obvious he wanted to show me something, so I followed him. I got up to where he was at and he kept pointing to a spot on the ground. It took me a minute to finally spot the markings on what turned out to be a small Red-Tailed Boa Constrictor. (Vera – be advised, there are some close up pictures of this critter below) He was a little feller….. maybe 12″ – 18″ long….. I am guessitmating it was maybe a year old. The old fella that pointed it out, high tailed just as soon as I reached down for it. It was in a cramped hard to reach spot, so I grabbed it by it’s tail and rapidly “relocated it” about 10′ from where we were. Out in the open, I could see and deal with him. I pick up a nearby stick and trapped it’s head and reached in and picked him up. Now it’s been about a 100 years since I have handled any snakes…. but it all came back pretty quick…… so I made a quick call to the local “snake guy” and then took him to show my Queen. She cautiously took a couple of pictures for me and I turned him over the “snake guy” who showed up post haste. I can elaborate some more – but already way over my limit….. so a couple of pictures from the past couple of days.
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!