Up earlier than I would have liked – but still managed a good nights sleep. Wasn’t to concerned about getting to sleep last night, as I was about as tired as I wanted to be. Those kind of days are starting to take their toll on the old fat guy I guess. I probably could get in better shape to better deal with days like that but I could also probably sprout wings and learn to fly just as easily……. I got my glass of lemon water and settled in to catch up on the news…… disturbing as it is becoming. After about an hour – I had just switched over to FB and my bride come stumbling out at about the same time. We settled in with coffee and just sat for the next hour quietly, just enjoying the cool and the quiet and each others company. I had all I could stand after about an hour and shut FB off and went into my files from yesterday’s shoot. I had 149 pictures sitting there waiting to be edited. I went through them fairly quick and wound up saving 24 pictures….. 2 more camera’s to go…… Next was my diving camera…….. the ‘good’ camera….. 660 pictures on it…… this was gonna take a while. Finally, finished that – third camera… my little GoPro. Thankfully didn’t use it much…. mostly for videos as well…. 49 pictures and video’s on it. A solid 5 hours and I was finally finished saving a total of 224 pictures for the Bride. I created a Gallery for the event on my online site and sent out notices. Done….. It is now almost 2:00 and my Queen recommended a drink…..yes~! Capitol idea~!! We finally wound up having some dinner….. pork chops, stuffing and corn on the cob. MmMm good stuff. Sitting here now watching PBR rodeo championships [was football earlier – even though I can’t get the Colts games here] Next door neighbors just pulled in and came over to ask about our new neighbor that we just found out about today. (Moving into the old gentleman’s house that recently passed away) We are not what you would call ‘shot in the a$$’ about our newest neighbor…… but want to try and give him a chance. More on that as it develops. I also spent an hour or so charging LOTS of batteries in anticipation of diving tomorrow. Rest of the week looks pretty slim… so will dive every chance I get now until Stephie and family gets here………
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
Hurricane hunters going out to check on “Sam”