Today was a work day — Up at around 05:30 to get my morning business out of the way and settle in for an hour of news and FB until it was time to do my thing. My thing consists of bump charging my camera… loading strobe batteries [that charged overnight] making sure my dives have been logged and loading all the little necessities into my camera gear case. Pretty dull actually but a necessity to a productive day. I try to get all of that done by 06:30 and loaded into the truck (I have my dive gear already in there from the night before) – so I have time to make me my typical breakfast of a small OJ, a small glass of milk – a chunk of meat [usually some kind of sausage…. occasionally a hot dog or a burger] and a couple of eggs. On really ‘hungry’ mornings I toss in an extra egg. I don’t like to get all swoll up from eating when I have a busy day on the boat scheduled. Even with that kind of breakfast, by the time I get back to the house (usually 1:30-2:00)…. I am a starvin‘ Marvin) which tells me I had a pretty productive day.
Gear rinsed and or put back into the truck for the next day….. camera dropped into a rinse tub while I load phone photo’s then go out and get my camera for the rest of the pictures….. That is almost every single day… and while it may sound like kind of a rut to you….. I can’t wait to get each little detail done each morning/evening….. especially later, when I get to look at my pictures…. I’m reliving the dive and I get to see whether I got “the shot” or screwed something up. The satisfaction I get when a picture turns out ‘just so’ knowing you all will [hopefully] love it……… Don’t get me wrong…… I like lounging in bed until my bladder or belly commands me to get up and enjoying the nice cool dark bedroom with my Queen snuggled up against my back……. but I am NO WHERE near getting tired of my diving routine…… and honestly- hope I don’t for at least another couple of years……. may not sound like much to you all – but it is my own special little piece of heaven that I get to enjoy right here on earth….. everyday…… just makes it that much more better knowing I get to share it with you all~! Gonna quit here for tonight…… next door neighbor visit put me a little behind – but always worth it….. good people. Got the big wedding shoot tomorrow….. I’m nervous/anxious about doing it – but also just a bit excited at the prospect too…….. Have been told most underwater events will now not happen because of the boat they rented…. so sounds like there will be some serious improvising right off of the bat. That’s okay though – I love a good challenge…..
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
P9240178 <—- Eel video