Would already be in bed – but I just fired up the A/C and waiting for the room to cool down a skosh. Dove again today….. First dive was the Deep Wrecks…… a couple of fun sunken boats….. rarely ever sharks there….. but one AWESOME turtle. A big ole male Hawksbill…. had several barnacles on him and apparently wanted his picture taken. I was more than happy to comply. Second dive site is probably at the bottom of my list – so I decided to experiment with my camera a little bit. The load was mostly locals – so it wouldn’t matter as much if I didn’t get a lot of “good” shots…. I did manage a couple though….. kinda weird shooting without my big wide angles lens – but it opens up a new style of shooting…. what is referred to as Macro…. very, very, very close up shots of small things. Due to the style of dive – I didn’t get to practice my Macro shots much, but it was still a fun dive and like I said, I still managed decent shots. LOVE getting to know my camera’s capabilities a little more.
For right now though, I’m tired, beat, pooped and or just plain ole worn out….. Belly is full from feeding me and my Queen some KFC……… and have had a ‘drink or two’. Bedroom should be starting to cool of by now – so I’m gonna put up some pictures for you and call it a night.
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!