Slept in a little bit this morning, without the effects of being ‘behind’ for the entire day….. Had our coffee… a small bite to eat and out the door for another day of leading people up the mountain top and through our local rain forest. Two very unique groups today — first tour was one of the slowest tours I’ve ever done — but I’m good with that…. I’d rather have some one say they have never ridden before and is scared to death – than the hot dogs that says “Yeah – I’ve ridden my entire life” when it becomes quickly and painfully obvious….. they rode a 4 wheeler once in their life, 15 years ago…… and trust me – I can tell you who is who before we get off of the lot real good……… First group was friendly, engaging and did not deny they were VERY inexperienced.. I like and appreciate those type….. SOOOO much easier to deal with. Second group – all said they ‘grew up riding’…… like wise… it takes less than a couple of minutes to realize… they were indeed… very experienced riders. That can be a fun group too [a very fast tour] Only down side….. is these folks tend to “abuse” a rented machine. Happily, one ‘light’ warning about machine abuse….. and everybody behaved and made for a very fast paced fun tour……. one extreme to another today. We had a couple of decent tippers today – but the majority let us [collectively] work our a$$ of to ensure they had a good time and didn’t bother to express their gratitude through a tip. One of the struggles of dealing with the general public.
The day finally done, machines washed and filled with gas and put up – we had JUST enough time to clean up a little bit and jump into vehicles and get to the airport to pick up island ‘kids’ and their kids and deliver them to yon mountain top. Back at our place…. a [small] bite to eat – a LOT to drink and trying to get my stuff up here before I go back to diving ‘for a living’………………………. I’m out….. tired and a lot to drink……. gotta love island life………
Good Night Ya’ll ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Thankx for stopping in~!