I know, goofy title……but I was thinking I’m ‘ramping up‘, getting ready for the next couple of days………but ya know…… today was a whole lot like yesterday. Only exception was our breakfast — We had Polly’s this morning and I had my favorite Polly’s breakfast – The Hen House Special…. A big ole waffle [plain] – 2 scrambled eggs and a couple of sausage with a side order of sausage…..MmMm good~! All washed down with a big ole glass of milk……… The rest of the day was uncanny similar to yesterday. One other exception – — the weather…OMG, wind picked up, it started raining and the temperature dropped almost 15°…… wow – it felt nice, almost chilly. Got tired of sitting here at the computer, so moved to the couch for some TV and popcorn. Watching movies. [Amazingly, we still have internet]…….. Nothing noteworthy, but just a really nice relaxing day enjoying a rare cool day off.
Maybe one drink to many at this point to try and continue to make sense…….. so gonna quit right about now……. long hungry day tomorrow. Maybe something else to ramble about…. being mugged at KFC or something…….. not a shark attack…. but more realistically …believable…..maybe. Tired.
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!