After a night of slumber (and that is using the term loosely) I rolled out to a very warm, breezeless morning. It was the same way when we went to bed last night and for the first time this year……. we turned on the A/C – yeppers folks, it’s starting to get toasty here on our gorgeous little Caribbean island……. I LOVE sleeping with the A/C on here (other than what it costs us to fire it up – but the room is blacked out (closing all the shutters), the temperature is perfect and the A/C creates just enough ‘white noise’ for some dandy sleeping~! Unless of course your Queen is up a dozen or so times during the course of the night with some of her own issues, so I respectfully am awake to ensure everything is okay with her. Once I’m sure she is okay – I drift back off to sleep until the next occurrence. Besides the obvious, I hate when she has those night’s because I know she is not getting any rest. As a rule, neither am I.
Up and moving a couple of minutes before my alarm…. I got my morning stuff out of the way, batteries all bump charged, the truck loaded up and a small bite to eat before my Bride come staggering out. I was really hoping she would sleep in a little while and make up for some of the lost sleep…… but out she came, 20 minutes before I had to go. Too hard headed to take a nap today – I’m hoping she sleeps well tonight. We both could use it.
Fairly easy day on the [smaller crowd] boat today….. got to chase sharks for a little bit and had a good time with the folks on the boat….. scarring the the bejeezus out of them sneaking up for pictures. I did not realize it until I got back here and was filling out my dive log — but my second dive of the day, was my 100th dive of the year….! At this pace (and I didn’t really get started until mid-March — I will make roughly 300 dives, this year……….! I love it~!
Tomorrow will probably be a repeat of today – with maybe an afternoon boat in the mix — my Bride has started working a full day at Blues now on her Wednesday’s so I’m left to my own devices for the day…… we’ll see what I can get into for the day~~~ 😉
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!