Up much earlier than I would like this morning… but Ma-Nature was beckoning and my bride stumbling around combined to make enough effort for me to roll on out of bed and get my day started. Bathroom duty finished, I settled in to catch up on world news (jeeez what mess) before moving onto the the most truly FUBAR’d world of FB (an even bigger mess). My Queen made us a right tasty breakfast as I let the first half of the day slip by mindlessly……. I finally had to gather up myself and some paperwork and take off for mid-island where I wound up facing the most tedious, mind numbing horse-shi stuff that I have dealt with in quite a while…. stupid, mind numbing and boring enough….. I’m not even gonna try to waste your time with it but but geeeeeeez Louise what a mess~!
Finally back at the house….. I settled into the couch for a movie…. Sniper: Ghost Shooter…… not great, but not bad. From there went into Yes Day-— a mostly funny yet entertaining show about parenthood. If you’re a parent and have not seen it yet – I strongly recommend it. Interrupted by our neighbors coming home, drinks were made and we discussed lots of topics. Sadly, the one that affected me the most, was my dive computer died and could not be repaired for what I would consider a reasonable price. So- I need a new dive computer…… JUST so happens…. neighbor [who owns a dive shop and is letting me borrow a ‘nice’ one] has some for sale in his shop. Dammit Emmit~! JUST replaced my dive light (my fault) and not damned if I don’t need another computer…… lots of what if’s, but can I, what if I, can I do this……. kind of conversations….. but the bottom line is I need another dive computer (they are a truly handy thing to have). I told him I would stop by after tomorrows dives and we would discuss………….. he had an semi-evil smile on his face when they left…… LOL 😉
Early this afternoon I got an offer from a friend who used to Dive Master and teach for the dive shop I currently dive for — she is working a charter boat now here on the island and they need some pictures for their FB page……. so looks like I get a couple of free dives, plus tanks) and a nice fun afternoon on the charter in exchange for some pictures this weekend. I like where this is going~! For now though – diving the next 4 days in a row…. so ready for a shower and some rest…… hopefully a little sleep with it.
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!