Up a hellva lot earlier than I wanted this morning after not getting in bed until well after Midnight….. but things come up and obligations to meet have you doing things you sometimes don’t want to do……. My Queen did manage to get a nice breakfast in us before we both took off to tend to our day. Kids still had the truck, so I had to go round that up – picked up half of My Brides friends and drove him around half of the island picking up odds and ends they needed, before meeting back up at the house with Angie and his wife, who were both out doing the same basic thing we were. We had a couple of four drinks before running in and picking up one of the island kids [that needed the truck again] – after the truck left – we all climbed into the convertible and ran “into town” for a bite to eat. Angie’s friends treated us to dinner as a thank you for all the running. We watched a beautiful sunset while we filled our bellies with good food and more drinks.
Finally dropped them off at the pier so they could dingy back out to their boat that is moored in the harbor and came home. My truck is back, all the fans are going (it’s HOT in here) and things have about settled back into our comfy little routine. Stephie called to chat for a couple of minutes and now here I am….. I am diving in the morning off the North Shore and really looking forward to that~! Plus – I’ll be able to get you some fun underwater pictures…. as this dive has no specific agenda…. so I get to ‘play’ a little bit……. I think. A little bit short – but I’m gonna leave it with you right here…… here is some pictures from tonight and 5 years ago… enjoy.
Good Night Ya’ll ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thankx for stopping in~!