Presidents day……. I had a full paragraph started on the topic, and erased it. trying to keep this as non political as I can……. sometimes it’s a challenge. Nothing special going on for us on this ‘holiday’ (?). Slept in a wee tiny bit, had our standard issue nice breakfast. My Queen took off for some grocery shopping and I stayed behind and knocked out the dishes. Rest of the day was watching the boob tube. One good movie with Gerard Butler called Chasing Mavericks. Had to pay for it – but happy we did. Good show, based on a true story. Definitely recommend it. Watched another one called The Silencing…. pretty much a waste of time. Good story line, but so much of it was filmed ‘in the dark‘ you couldn’t see anything and made it really hard to track characters. My viewpoint is that producers and directors (if any of you out there are reading this) is that it is a cheap way to make a movie, because you don’t have to worry about makeup, costume design or anything else important to making a movie~!
Now time to ‘do my stuff’ and here I am. Going to try and get on the boat tomorrow for that 300th dive I have been talking about for a week now……. I just got an email this morning requesting me to be the official underwater photographer for the Pier Clean up on Wednesday. Honestly – in the big wide world, not THAT big of a gig….. but to me it will be. A challenge to catch 30 some divers underwater in a 1/2 mile stretch of water. May not sound like much to you all….. but trust me when I tell you – that is a lot of swimming, let alone taking pictures during it. At least I will have some pictures I will be able to share with you. For now, would like to get in my 300th in at a dive site like Armageddon…. or somewhere, where there are some sharks and not chasing people around cleaning trash up off the seafloor…… we’ll see.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!
(Pictures from around 12 years ago)