Sufferin’-succotash…… it’s 2021 already~! I can remember me and the best friend I ever had, talking [in our early teens, really early 70’s] what we thought the world would be like “in the future”. Of course, to us, then, the future was 2000. Now look….. it’s 2021….. sadly my friend never lived to see the ‘future’…. he barely made it to see the 80’s after succumbing to complications from diabetes…. an affliction he struggled with his entire life. I miss him and the life that I now realize was as simple as it would ever be, even as tough as it was then. I’d give anything to spend a day with him talking with him and discussing today’s world. I’m sure he would absolutely ‘freak out’ [as we called it then] over today’s modern world. I actually did a lot of reflecting today, as my Bride and I mostly lounged all day. About the only thing productive we got done was making something to eat and I spent an hour or so online paying bills for the month…. a nasty little necessity to keep us here on our warm little island. Most of the day, however was spent watching The Blacklist. While it has become a bit repetitive, the now final season we are in – it’s starting to make a come back as far as being interesting. Several others in the line up, including Queen’s Gambit and Ratchet. May have to get in a couple of movies in between them.
Really not a lot to rattle on about….. our visit back to PoCo was fun (again, cold) but fun. We got spend a little bit of time with my Number # 1 blog fan Vera. She waited up for us before her nap to see us and we are so thankful she did. Such a delight to talk to and we can’t wait to see her again and hopefully be able to give her a hug the next time (we practiced strict social distancing while we were there, including masks). Just still very happy she took time out of her day for us~! We did not get to visit our ‘Damn‘ Neighbors this visit, which broke our hearts. They were under quarantine from their work (horsepistol) and they were adamant about us keeping away. I’m sure they had our best interest at heart – but the visit just did not seem the same without seeing them. 🙁 We did get to spend some extra time with my Cousins up in Chandler….. time together with their families and an extra special night out with just the adults. One of the visits I think I mentioned was a good ole fashion fish fry…… and let me tell you what (you know that’s an entire sentence in Louisiana?)…… that fish… OMG….. cooked exactly like we used to do it down at the lake [and my house in Indiana] and it tasted magnificent….. and I ate enough to kill a buffalo, naturally sloshing down lots of ice cold beer to keep the blisters in my mouth to a minimum……. Wow… I’m all over the place on this one…… memories….. Here’s to many, many more happy, good ones…… for all of us~!
Good Night Ya’ll & & & & & & & & & & Thankx for stopping in~!