Jeez what a day – finally made it on to the boat this morning after a 45 cluster*&^%$….. but first site was Armageddon, which automatically made everything wonderful….. and it didn’t disappoint. Second dive was a bit of a let down – but a ton of things to practice taking pictures of. Back at the house, gear rinsed and working on pictures when news from the states says we need to get there sooner than later……………………………………..
Island kids came by with Dinner… Mexican something or other…. Enchilada’s maybe? Dang tasty whatever they were….. even my Queen liked it~! Followed that up with some yummy cheese cake that Daughter Stephanie had delivered to us….. that was an extra special treat~~~<3
Trying to get tickets back to the states and short notice is really jacking the price up….. plus trying to schedule anything so far as been a friggin nightmare….. I’ll stick with it though until I get what I’m after……. gonna quit here — head hurts to bad to do much more…….. lots of fun pictures for you though……
Good Night Ya’ll- – – – – – – – – – — Thankx for stopping in~!
P9170031 <—— Video….welcome to Armageddon