Some very disturbing news last night after I posted, convinced me to cancel my plans for the next day [today]. My little Sister took an unexpected turn for the worse, and while I suspected it was coming, I didn’t expect it quite this soon and I was not ready for it yet in my own head. SCUBA diving is much like skydiving in that you need to be 100% focused on what you’re doing, to do it safely….. and I knew I would not be – so even though I was up early and ready for what was going to be a long fun day – I opted to sit it out and stay here [safely] at the house and deal with the mental issues I needed to deal with. I have my brain wrapped around the issue now, probably as well as I am ever going to get it. So now it is just ”hurry up and wait”.
My Bride worked all day while I sat here and got my brain straightened out. Finally back home to me – I had drinks waiting. I eventually made us dinner [a very tasty Goulash that next door neighbors dropped off]….. hey- I heated it up and seasoned it with love, made butter bread and more drinks….. so yeah~! I made dinner for her [kinda] 😉 I also did the dishes while she took a shower and enjoyed her drinks.
I have been dealing with a less than cooperative lap top for the last couple of hours now…. and honestly didn’t think I’d get this far — but some updates seemed to have helped, even though I can’t get them all to load……. more on that later…maybe.
I am feeling better in my brain, about everything going on, Sister, Cousin, FUBAR’d computer and life’s everyday little worries here on our gorgeous island – that I reached out and managed to get myself on the dive boat tomorrow. GOOD news… they are sailing from this end of the island so I only have a 4 minute drive to get to the boat –AND– there is an above average chance I will get to dive ARMEGOEDDEN~!! (My most favorite dive site on the island) but not gonna count all my chickens just yet……
My turn for a refreshingly cool shower to wash away the heat of the day…….
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!
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