Helping out island ‘kids‘ today…… we were up, ate and in town early enough to take over the business of taking folks on an ATV tour of our gorgeous rain forest and mountains here on the West end of the island……. true to island time — almost everybody was late showing up for their appointment – but we finally got them all in, paperwork signed, pictures taken (a couple of them had a birthday) and on their way……. Pretty sure I could not adequately do this job all year long (365) – but so far, the amount of times I am being put to work is more than tolerable…… I guess putting up with some of these yahoo’s is my issue – but I [mostly] happily work on my attitude toward them. Just wish folks would admit – they don’t know how to ride and go from there instead of being the cowboys they wish they were. First tour had a couple of birthdays to celebrate – and even though birthday girl manage to launch her a$$ into the weeds once – it turned out to be a mostly fun [albeit REALLY slow] tour. I am confident they all had a good time – even though no one bothered to tip to show gratitude…… but you’ll have that too every now and again. Second group was equally fun [but even slower] and I’m equally sure they all had a good time – which, when it comes right down to it, is the most important thing – besides the fact we get them all back safely……………. I’m just glad the day is over….. because after 4+ hours of sucking down dust (yes I wear a mask) – another ½ hour of cleaning machines before putting them up – I ‘get’ to come back to the house and spend another 2+ hours editing pictures and getting them put up on FB. Be clear — I am not complaining….. because for me, this is a means to an end…… the better I get at my photography…. the more I will be able to charge [and get] down the road…….. and I am willing to ‘pay that price’ now….. You don’t get that corner office right off the bat unless you work for it [or know somebody]…. 😉
Nothing planned for tomorrow…….. I have been invited to join the Dive Master/Instructor class for a non-class dive Monday…. course – I am welcome to take pictures ”if I want”. 😉 I may do it, simply because it already feels like ”forever” since I have been in the water. I also need to get my happy touchas back on the road walking some more……. I have to get some of this gut burned off of me so I can make a pig of myself when we finally get back to the states and I can get into Turoni’s…….. :-)~ For now tho – I’m out…… sharing some pictures from today’s adventures……..
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!